
YQCA Training

For the 2022 Kearny County Fair, all livestock exhibitors (beef, sheep, goats, swine,, rabbits, poultry) will be required to complete the YQCA certification by May 1 in order to exhibit in the fair. This certification will be offered through the extension office and online through YQCA. Youth can come to the ofice to receive instructor led training for $3.00, or complete the entire training online through the YQCA Platform for $12.00. To meet the May 1 deadline, three trainings will be offered, tentative dates are February 17, March 15, and April 18. More information on registration and certification details to follow.

Please register before the training you want to attend so you can be marked complete in the system following the training. Link for registration is: YQCA Platform. If you need help, call the extension office or view this Help Document that walks through the certification process.

Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national multi-species quality assurance program for youth ages 8 to 21 with a focus on three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development. YQCA includes information for youth showing the following food animals: Pigs, Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Goats, Market Rabbits, and Poultry.

4-H Livestock Projects

Beginning October 1, 4-Hers must attend 5 entire community club meetings in the club they are enrolled in to participate in the Kearny County Fair Livestock Premium Auction.

Animal Tag Cost will be charged to the 4-Her. Must be paid at weigh in to receive tags.
Standard 4-H Tag - $2.00
EID Cattle Tag - $4.00
EID Small Animal Tag - $3.00

Tentative Beef Weigh-in - Saturday, March 20, 5:00-7:00 p.m., and Monday, March 21, 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Tentative Small Animal Weigh in - Sunday, April 17, 4:00-6:00 p.m. and Monday, April 18, 6:00-7:00 p.m.

4-H Online 2.0 Enrollment

4hOnline 2.0 has been updated. 4-H Council and your club have agreed to pay the $15.00 program fee. Cloverbuds do not have to pay the fee. Your club community leaders will receive a "coupon code" that they will give to each 4-H family and that can be entered under the program fee payment. Members wil show as pending until after November 12, but they are still enrolled. All returning families need to be enrolled by December 1, 2021.

There is a project list for reference in the October Newsletter and in the Kearny County Fair Tab of the website.

Online Record Keeping with Z-Books

After a successful 2 year pilot program, the online record keeping software ZBooks is being launched statewide for the 2021/2022 program year. This online record keeping software is identical to the New Project Report Form pdf - meaning 4-Her's and families now have the option to choose which format they feel most comfortable using. Families can continue to fill out the form fillable pdf version of Project Report Forms or they may opt to keep their records online with ZBooks. Both are evaluated using the same rubric and the same set of standards.

Some features of ZBooks:

  • Mobile friendly - jot down notes, weights, ear tags, expenses, etc on the spot
  • Internet based - you can work on them from any device that is connected to the internet
  • Unlimited amount of entries until final report is submitted - youth select the allowed number of entries to print on final report, allowing them to summarize and prioritize
  • Permanent Record is also included
  • Extension staff have the ability to view member's progress, send reminders, upload local forms, etc.
  • Adult Volunteers may receive veiwing rights for members in their clubs and/or project areas so they too can track progress, coach and encourage record keeping
  • Live online ZBooks chat feature

4-H Club Secretary Reminder

Each club secretary or community leader must send a picture or turn in the attendance roster one week following the monthly meeting to the extension office. They can be brought to the extension office or emailed to Jessica Sharp at jessicasharp213@ksu.edu.

Shooting Sports Spring Instructor Training

the 4-H Shooting Sports Advisory and State 4-H Office are planning for Level 1 Shooting Sports Instructor Training to be held on March 25-27 at Rock Springs 4-H Center. Training for Coordinators and each of the Shooting Sports Disciplines will be offered. It is our intention to offer training for any discipline that has registered participants. Additional information and registration details will be communicated at a later date.